At the start of this year, I thought of some goals that I wanted to achieve by the end of 2019. So, taking Diamond Dallas Page's (former pro-wrestler, now DDPY guru) advice, I wrote down my goals on a piece of paper, cementing my goals in ink form so there is no confusion or misdirection from myself. It's stuck on a wall where it is seen by my two eyes every day. I also have made a checklist that is separated by months of tasks that I would like to get done and that helps me continue on this journey of increasing my knowledge of game design. On the wall next to the goals are printed out versions of emails that I had gotten from companies informing me that my job application had not been successful. I keep them there as motivation, saying to myself 'I'll show them!'. 'Them' not only being the job decision makers of those companies, but people I know and meet in real life. If every time I heard people criticise me or even give me that look you get when they think that your wasting your time about my choice to make games, I would be one rich MFer. (which would make life so much easier). But there's only one thing that everyone is guaranteed, and that's death. So, why not do what I want to do? In my opinion everyone is wasting their time no matter what their doing. Why not make my life not so miserable - until I die from natural causes, unnatural causes or by cause of a belt around my neck (only joking. Or am I....). Shit! Went a bit dark there. Anyway, continuing on... The failed job applications on the wall is also a reminder to myself to get better, keep learning and create more meaningful experiences in my games. The time of comparing myself to others is over. The only comparison that is acceptable is to myself. If my knowledge of game design is better at the end of this year than it is now, then that's a win in my book (or at least an improvement). I have 3 goals on that piece of paper and excuse the vagueness of the first, its only because I'm working on it right now, and who knows what the final product will become. There's also a chance of not completing all the goals during 2019, and if that's the case, the incomplete ones will roll onto the now yearly goal list for next year. Complete unannounced game I am working on this right now, not much I can say right now about it, but it's in its early stages. Prototype incoming. Make a Duke Nukem 3D episode mod I really want to make a full episode mod for Duke Nukem 3D. I have some experience with the Build Engine level editor, and I have modified some of the game files, to import my own sprites/textures, adjust values of gun damage, health, etc., and also recently figured out how to load your own levels, and go from one custom level to the next in-game. Participate in a game jam I have yet to participate in a game jam, and probably should soon. I'm thinking of entering in one on or I need more experience with rapid prototyping and deciding what works in a game and what doesn't, as well as managing time restrictions efficiently. Image Reference
Peckham M 2015, Rocket League 2015, Psyonix, Panic Button Games, Time, Here's Why Everybody Loves This Bizarre New Soccer Game, viewed 3 February 2019, <>. Comments are closed.
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