2. You Got the Power...
More work on game mechanics. ⚙️ Continued work for the game by adding an 'enemy' gameobject. The player can drop on an enemy's head to kill them and gain a score point for your overall score. Plan is to have static and moving enemies in game, but for now the enemy does not move. Also added coins that the player can collect. These will be useful to buy (in-game) new skins and/or playable characters, as well as unlock other levels if the score requirement is not achieved. Current 'Coin' Script (moves towards player if close)
Obstacles/walls are now prefabs and a spawner object is attached to the main camera that instantiates obstacle prefabs at a set amount of seconds. This will be improved upon in the future, by creating an 'object pooler' script that instantiates a set amount of obstacles in the scene before game start and then by enabling and disabling them I won't have to keep creating and destroying objects.
1. You Got the Touch...
Started to make a small game (very few mechanics ⚙️). Wanted to create a game that included in-game ads. Never actually used them in my (released) games. I'm currently working on a larger game project that will include ads (well, that's the plan as of right now), but I am currently focusing on creating 3D models and environments for that project, so I decided to also create a 'small' game, include ads (while trying not to bombard the player with 'em), and release the game on Android and iOS 📱.
May 2022
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