Worked on the Lucky 38 scene (look, lighting, feeeelll). After modelling and texturing the Lucky 38 building, I went straight into improving the look of the scene. I found some old Unity skybox images (from Unity 5's files) and chose one from there. Created a 6-sided skybox and imported them in. Thought the scene needed more colour, specifically the lighting, and trying to get as close to as how the in-game environment looked (in Fallout: New Vegas). I decided to not only mess around with light settings, but also use Unity's Post Processing Stack (v2) to help me achieve the look I was going for (more orange/tinge-desert/wasteland look 🏜️). I didn't go crazy with the post processing effects and add every single option available to it (like I have in the past 😳). I added only 3 effects. I increased the intensity of Ambient Occlusion (a small fraction), added a Bloom effect and Color of that effect (cream color), and also added Color Grading. There I added a Color Filter (cream color), increased the Saturation (by 5) and increased the Temperature (by 5) to look 'warmer'. (The word 'color/colour' is the theme of this paragraph! 🌈) I also wanted to create a 'mock up' (⬅️ if that's even the word for it), which was to create an image that would depict how the model would look in game with UI (HUD). which was basically just going on Photoshop adding the screenshot and slapping the Fallout: New Vegas HUD on top of it. Fun Fact (well... not really fun, but anyway...): I made the image size of the 'mock up' 1280x720 because that's the first resolution I played the game (New Vegas) in back in 2010. 🤠
May 2022
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